Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Beyond the mountains, are more mountains - but the mountain nobody told that to - is Three Finger Jack - sitting there like Mt.Sumeru - just pointing - It means nothing, - mountains beyond mountains, unless the one you're climbing feels like its gotta be the last, and that uneasy feeling, creeping in, that it's only the first And anyway, what's he pointing to? The Tao that can be named? Maybe he can point, but he can't make a mark And if he shows you the way Its like it goes on forever Somewhere up on Obsidian Trail sunlight shining on a field of glass stones 7000 feet or higher blinding the hiker while threatening to cut open foot after foot Yet a faded memory of what was once clear Now inhabits a region filled with echoes and longings To remember one courses through five skandhas Cutting through obstructions Just to get to the point Worlds come and go As does family And other people And practices And their people Jobs come and go Where to live Who you know What’s happening It’s all uncertain Who one is Who anyone is All subject to change A friend one day, Turns their back the next So it goes Live one day at a time "Sufficient into the day is the evil thereof" Soon enough we'll all be gone Even this mountain. Following a trail south knowing this time is simply what it is walking up a mountain one foot at a time.